Alvaro Zinos-Amaro

Alvaro Zinos-Amaro is co-author, with Robert Silverberg, of When the Blue Shift Comes. Alvaro grew up in Europe, mostly, and despite the advice of his betters earned a BS in Theoretical Physics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in 2003. Alvaro’s short fiction has appeared in several online markets and is forthcoming in the SF magazine edited by Mike Resnick, Galaxy's Edge. Alvaro, a previous Finalist of the Writers of the Future contest, has also published numerous reviews, critical essays and interviews in SF Signal, Strange Horizons, The New York Review of Science Fiction, Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction,The Internet Review of Science Fiction, Salon Futura, and other venues. Alvaro and his co-conspirator and sometimes editor (read, girlfriend) currently reside in sunny Irvine, California. His website is Waiting for My Aineko (
